Read this article about West Main Street
Just wanted to share additional information about the free screening of West Main Street (a film about Charlottesville made by Reid Oechslin and myself many years ago) this Friday 4/27 at 7:00 at Vinegar Hill Theater. It is a first come/first serve event, and doors open at 6:30. Special thanks to Coy Barefoot of the Albemarle Charlottesville Historical Society, Deanna Gould and her wonderful staff at Light House Studio, Edwina St Rose and the Daughters of Zion Cemetery, and the Virginia Film Festival Society for making this happen. There will be a post-film discussion with Coy, Reid and myself. Very much looking forward to presenting these wonderful community members of Charlottesville that we were so fortunate and honored to learn from while making the film. Hope you can attend. Chris