A Bridge To Life
The Bridge Ministry trailer
The Bridge Ministry, founded by William Washington and located in central Virginia, works to save lives of men dealing with serious addiction issues. They are given the opportunity to reside at a camp in rural Buckingham County for a year-long residency. They receive intensive job-training skills along with psychological and spiritual mentoring to give them a chance to return to society as successful community and family members.

Interwoven throughout this film is the inspiring story of William Washington’s life. Having suffered serious trauma as a child, this led to him becoming a homeless teenager on the streets of Charlottesville, Virginia as both a user and seller of deadly drugs. He was incarcerated more than once, and while eventually facing a long-term prison sentence, he was given a chance by Judge Jay Swett to enter a program which positively altered his life. Uplifted by this experience, he dedicated his own life to helping others who faced the same troubled path that he had been on. This led to his creation of the Bridge Ministry along with the support of others including Judge Swett.

The film’s mission is to shine a light on the Bridge Ministry’s extremely important work as our country currently faces a serious crisis of drug addiction.
Our intent will be to utilize the film to both provide support for the Bridge Ministry to sustain their efforts as well as to inspire replication of this life-changing program in communities across our country. The ultimate social impact will be to change the lives of our addicted brothers and sisters to prevent them from remaining on their downward path that both leads to and is reinforced by incarceration. By humanizing the individuals attending the Bridge Ministry camp, the film will express to the viewers that these are not just stereotypical criminals, but instead are fellow human beings who are dealing with traumatic life experiences. Incarceration is not the way to change their lives for the betterment of our world. Confronting and overcoming trauma is how to successfully deal with our serious addiction crisis. Presenting the heroic story of William Washington’s transformation of his life will be used to both influence policy-makers as well as to inspire drug-users to consider how and why they should work to change their lives. We will work to create true impact with this film as we have done with our past films World Peace and other 4th-Grade Achievements, The Holistic Life Foundation:breathing love into a community and Seats at the Table.
Our goal is to raise adequate funding so that we can create significant social impact with this film. The Film Collaborative, a 501(c)3 organization, has agreed to be the project’s fiscal sponsor, so all donations will be tax-deductible.
If you’d like to make a donation by check, please make it payable to “The Film Collaborative” and write “Bridge Ministry” on the memo section of the check.
And mail the check to:
Rosalia Films, Inc.
1209 Hazel Street
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902
Also include your name, address and e-mail address in your correspondence and we will forward this to the Film Collaborative and they will then provide you with verification of your charitable donation for tax purposes.
To make an online donation, please click the donate button below. You will be taken to The Film Collaborative’s website where you can make a donation using PayPal, a credit card, or a debit card.
And if you need or want more information or simply would like to discuss this project in more detail, please feel free to reach out to me at chris.farina@rosaliafilms.com or call me at (434)-825-0972.
Chris Farina
Rosalia Films, Inc.
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