Wanted to share a radio interview that Coy Barefoot (new head of Albemarle/Charlottesville Historical Society) and I had with Jane Foy and Rick Daniels of WINA a few days before our public screening of West Main Street. I want to thank all of you who attended last Friday’s standing room only screening at Vinegar Hill Theater. I also want to thank all of our co-hosts, Deanna Gould and her wonderful staff at Light House Studio, Edwina St Rose and the Preservers of the Zion Cemetery, and the Virginia Film Festival Society. Having made this film with Reid Oechslin back in the late 80’s and early 90’s, I had always wondered what effect it might have in the future. After the response we received on Friday night, both Reid and I were thrilled with the positive effect it had on our Charlottesville audience. Also I’d like to ask for your help in letting others know about the film as we very much would like to schedule additional screenings for the Charlottesville community. Radio Interview on West Main Street